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Online Mandarin Chinese Language Course


We offer a range of Mandarin courses designed for those who study Chinese as second language for all levels from beginner to advanced. Whether you are a beginner or want to improve your Chinese language skills and become an expert, we can help you to evaluate and choose the right course for you.

Advanced BRIDGE (II) 150 ~ 180 sessions HSK Level 5 - 6
Intermediate (II) Great Wall Chinese Level 6 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 3 - 4
Great Wall Chinese Level 5
Intermediate (I) Great Wall Chinese Level 4 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 2 - 3
Great Wall Chinese Level 3
Elementary Great Wall Chinese Level 2 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 1 - 2
Great Wall Chinese Level 1
Course Structure
Advanced 150 ~ 180 sessions HSK Level 5 - 6
Intermediate (II) 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 3 - 4
Great Wall Chinese Level 6
Great Wall Chinese Level 5
Intermediate (I) 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 2 - 3
Great Wall Chinese Level 4
Great Wall Chinese Level 3
Elementary 48 ~ 60 sessions HSK Level 1 - 2
Great Wall Chinese Level 2
Great Wall Chinese Level 1
Course Structure

We focus on communication training, and help you to improve speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through systematic program, to ultimately enable you to communicate fluently with native speakers during work and live. After completed the course, students can also take the HSK exams at respective level for the future needs at study or work in China.

Course Highlights

  • One-on-one courseware learning through Skype.
  • Repetitive memorization and snowball effect learning methodology.
  • Vocabulary in line with HSK examination.
  • After-school workbook exercise discussion.

Key Information

Maximize the learning effectiveness
Flexible Hours
Monday - Friday
10am - 12pm*
3pm - 6pm*
8pm - 9pm*
* UTC+08:00
HSK Compatible
Learn further with a solid foundation
Bilingual Teacher
English as medium language
Maximize the learning effectiveness
Flexible Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 12pm*,
3pm - 6pm*, 8pm - 9pm*
* UTC+08:00
HSK Compatible
Learn further with a solid foundation
Bilingual Teacher
English as medium language
Maximize the learning effectiveness
Flexible Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 12pm*, 3pm - 6pm*, 8pm - 9pm*
* UTC+08:00
HSK Compatible
Learn further with a solid foundation
Bilingual Teacher
English as medium language

Elementary Course

The Elementary Mandarin course is designed for those who want to learn to apply Mandarin in their social and working lives.

The course content covers Pinyin, social conversations and common expressions in business. Basic vocabulary, sentences and grammar points will appear frequently in the content. Learners will benefit from it and able to make progress in a short time. Post-course assessment will be conducted upon completion of each level. These will lay a solid foundation for those who continue to study or prepare to take part in the Chinese Proficiency Test. (HSK Level 1 to HSK Level 2)

At this level, learners are able to carry out simple communication and direct information exchange on daily tasks or routine matters. You can perform a basic communication on different occasions and circumstances (daily, business and academic) with the use of these relevant vocabulary and grammar.

Online class duration
(50 minutes each session)
  1. Learn Pinyin: 3 sessions.
  2. Learn Numbers: 1 session.
  3. Great Wall Chinese level 1: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
  4. Great Wall Chinese level 2: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
Learning material
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 1: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 2: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.


Great Wall Chinese Level 1
Unit 1 Greeting
Unit 2 First meeting
Unit 3 Nationality and place of origin
Unit 4 Occupation
Unit 5 Age
Unit 6 Height and weight
Unit 7 Address and telephone number
Unit 8 Family
Unit 9 Time
Unit 10 Basic personal information
Great Wall Chinese Level 2
Unit 1 Date, week and holiday
Unit 2 Direction and locality
Unit 3 Describing objects
Unit 4 Asking and telling way
Unit 5 Go shopping
Unit 6 In the restaurant
Unit 7 Making a phone call
Unit 8 Talking about living quaters
Unit 9 Public transportation
Unit 10 Asking for help

Intermediate Course

The Intermediate Mandarin course is designed for those who have already mastered around 300 Chinese basic vocabulary and basic Mandarin grammar.

The course content covers social conversations and common expressions in business. Basic vocabulary, sentences and grammar points will appear frequently in the content. Learners will benefit from it and able to make progress in a short time. Post-course assessment will be conducted upon completion of each level. These will lay a solid foundation for those who continue to study or prepare to take part in the Chinese Proficiency Test. (HSK Level 2 to HSK Level 4)

At Intermediate (I) level, you can take part in simple conversation and expressing yourself with topics that involve daily, academic and professional lives. Learners are suitable to sit for HSK Level 2 to Level 3 exam after completed the course.

While at Intermediate (II) level, it allows you to take part in complex conversations, and use Mandarin to communicate on wide range of topics during your academic and work participation. Learners are suitable to sit for HSK Level 3 to Level 4 exam after completed the course.

Online class duration
(50 minutes each session)
  1. Great Wall Chinese level 3: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
  2. Great Wall Chinese level 4: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
  3. Great Wall Chinese level 5: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
  4. Great Wall Chinese level 6: 24 ~ 30 sessions.
Learning material
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 3: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 4: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 5: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.
  • Great Wall Chinese Level 6: a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.


Intermediate (I)
Great Wall Chinese Level 3
Unit 1 Talking about weather
Unit 2 Talking about on-going action
Unit 3 Talking about one's habits
Unit 4 Talking about living environment
Unit 5 In the post office
Unit 6 In the bank
Unit 7 Shopping
Unit 8 In the hospital
Unit 9 Talking about one's spare time
Unit 10 Talking about one's experience
Great Wall Chinese Level 4
Unit 1 Talking about the result
Unit 2 Talking about one's background
Unit 3 Campus life
Unit 4 Talking about work
Unit 5 Apply for a job
Unit 6 Going through formalities
Unit 7 Inviting guests
Unit 8 Talking about plans and arrangements
Unit 9 Talking about leisure
Unit 10 Week day planning
Intermediate (II)
Great Wall Chinese Level 5
Unit 1 Hobbies
Unit 2 Invite and refuse
Unit 3 Talking about one's physical features
Unit 4 Making cancel an appointment
Unit 5 Invitation
Unit 6 Character
Unit 7 Talking about sport
Unit 8 Making friends
Unit 9 Talking about TV program
Unit 10 Passing on a message
Great Wall Chinese Level 6
Unit 1 Weather and climate
Unit 2 Festival and custom
Unit 3 Checking in/out at a hotel
Unit 4 Personal services
Unit 5 Looking up for information
Unit 6 Making reservation
Unit 7 Talking about holidays
Unit 8 Talking about health
Unit 9 The computer and internet
Unit 10 Breakdown

Advanced Course

The Advanced Mandarin course is suitable for students that have already mastered around 2500 Chinese vocabularies and Mandarin fundamental grammar.

The course contents are mainly chosen from newspapers or broadcast media. It is a very practical communication course, which includes 10 topics that involve occupation, marriage, economic, legislation, culture, health, environment and etc.

The learning material has a total of 30 lessons, which are divided into 2 volumes, and 15 lessons in each volume. Each lesson is formed by 6 sections that include a main text, new vocabularies, terms collocation and expansion, grammar examples and explanation, secondary text, and exercises.

Although students have mastered the fundamental sentence patterns of Mandarin at earlier stages, but they have a lack of understanding on hidden layer of the semantics relationship in sentences. Students may not understand the different meanings of the same term, and different grammar functions of the different meanings will also bring out different collocations.

If you are as described above, our teacher will guide you to deepen the understanding, and practice the contents of the grammar and vocabulary that you are unfamiliar with.

Online class duration
(50 minutes each session)
  1. BRIDGE (I): 75 ~ 90 sessions.
  2. BRIDGE (II): 75 ~ 90 sessions.
Learning material
  • BRIDGE (I): a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.
  • BRIDGE (II): a textbook (1 CD included) & a workbook.


Unit 1 我的“希望工程”
Unit 2 差不多先生传
Unit 3 我记忆中的两个女孩
Unit 4 醉人的春夜
Unit 5 眼光
Unit 6 吸烟者的烦恼
Unit 7 第一次转机
Unit 8 广告与顾客
Unit 9 李群求职记
Unit 10 写在助残日之前
Unit 11 热爱绿色
Unit 12 买彩票
Unit 13 我的博客家园
Unit 14 开车与人生
Unit 15 在那遥远的地方
Unit 16 公文包丢失之后
Unit 17 地球的主人
Unit 18 老外房客
Unit 19 健忘的教授
Unit 20 三个母亲
Unit 21 整容
Unit 22 童年读书梦
Unit 23 爱恨交加话手机
Unit 24 重读西藏
Unit 25 远离吸毒
Unit 26 价值
Unit 27 干得好不如嫁得好吗?
Unit 28 中庸的修养
Unit 29 孔乙己
Unit 30 雷雨(节选)
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